Three hospitality professionals were given the opportunity to revamp a cherished site in West Hillhurst that was previously associated with Legion Branch No.264. Chad McCormick, Emilie Fortin, and Chad Taylor were challenged with a massive space that needed warmth and character. Each partner’s background inspired the name “The Lodge”, which allowed the space to be imagined with warm elements of wood, a grand fireplace, and various cozy seating areas. The Lodge includes a sit down bar, massive hot tub style booths, and a young, playful rumpus room perfect for the kids. Taxidermy, large wooded mountain landscapes, and a tapestry from the Saskatoon Museum of Natural Sciences drape the space and bring the vision to life. The new owners have pieces from their close family adorn the shelves. Some wonder who that mysterious lady, Ana, on the brick wall is? How long did it take the artist to paint the massive landscape? And kids revel in how majestic that old dog Alma appears watching and waiting to collect the fowl when they fall from the sky. Based around the concept of “simple food done well”, the menu was created by a hand picked team. Duck wings, handhelds, and even fondue, combined with well thought out cocktails, is what ties the offerings to the magic of the space. The Lodge has been referred to as a bit of Banff/Canmore injected into the heart of West Hillhurst. We simply call it “Aprés Ski meets a warm cozy urban Lodge”.